Accessibility Statement
Accessible Rooms & Facilities
The hotel has nine handicap accessible rooms. These rooms feature shower grab bars, adjustable height hand-held shower wands, lowered bathroom vanities, closed-caption televisions, bathroom grab bars, lowered dead-bolts, lowered bed heights, and lowered guest room peep-holes. There are telephones and doorbells for the hearing impaired. These rooms may be booked by calling our Reservations Department at (305) 534-0505 or 1-800-550-0505.
Accessible Public Areas
- Public entrance
- Accessible route from public entrance to registration & concierge desk
- Accessible route from public entrance to guest rooms
- Accessible route from public entrance to restaurants
- Accessible route from public entrance to meeting rooms/ballrooms
- Accessible route from public entrance to fitness center and Aveda Spa
- Accessible route from public entrance to swimming pools
- Accessible route from public entrance to beach
- Registration desk
- Concierge desk
- Restaurants
- Swimming pools
- Spa
- Beach
- Valet parking
Accessibility Statement
The Palms Hotel & Spa is committed to providing a website that can be accessed by all, including users with disabilities.
The Palms Hotel & Spa strives to maintain compliance with the World Wide Web’s Consortium’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 Level AA (WCAG 2.1 AA) on our website, and:
- We have built our website using standard-compliant HTML and CSS
- We have ensured that the website content is structured in a logical manner using informative headings and labels where relevant, and are usable by customers who use assistive technology/screen readers.
- We have provided consistent navigation across the website
- We have ensured that images have alternative texts and descriptive links.
- In addition, we offer rooms with accessibility features, which may be booked through www.thepalmshotel.com.
Please be aware that WCAG 2.1 AA Guidelines are evolving and our efforts to comply with these guidelines are ongoing. If you would like to report any accessibility issues, please contact us at marketing@thepalmshotel.com. We will make all reasonable efforts in order to update the page(s) and ensure their accessibility.