Our Commitment
to Your Well-Being
Our spa has always upheld strict hygiene protocols and the well-being of our guests has always been our priority. Revised operating standards and treatment protocols for The Palms AVEDA Spa are drawing from best practices around the world as well as sanitation procedures, laws, licensing requirements or regulations established by local government. We aim to optimize each area of the Spa while keeping the overall spa experience as unaffected as possible.
& Check-Out
Guests are not required to wear a face mask while in the spa/salon. All staff are required to wear masks and gloves unless it interferes with the service they are providing. Otherwise, frequent hand washing is required. Spa guests will be welcomed with a warm towel ritual and sanitizer and will be asked to wash their hands at the starting of each treatment. Team Members will be required to wash their hands in front of their guest before and after every treatment. Air and surface sanitization by use of hydroxyl air purifiers have been installed in all treatment areas. Our entire staff has completed the Barbicide COVID-19 Certification and will be adhering to all extra sanitation and disinfection standards.Personal Protective Equipment
Hand washing Guidelines
Deep Sanitation